Is there an option to disable the reactor build when invoking maven from the project parent? All I want is the installed pom, nothing else.


I need to embed maven into a larger build system, and I would like to be more specific about which parts of a project need rebuilding. My plan is therefore to generate dependencies from the pom.xml files and to have my build system invoke maven directly in the module subdirs. The subdir builds require that the parent pom.xml be installed. I can live with that as long as that is the only thing that happens.

The reason I wish to be specific is to support incremental product builds and tests. I don't want every change to the java source to trigger all java related rebuilds, packings, installs and test runs, but only the ones specifically including the derived objects generated by the change.

As it turns out, it is probably not a big deal if there is no way to disable the reactor build, since the parent pom.xml will only be out of date when it changes, in which case everything needs to be rebuilt anyway. The only issue is that in my scenario, maven will end up scanning every module tree at least twice...

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