Hi All!
I have a problem building the current trunk version (rev 497017)of Archiva.
About 20 unit test in archiva-indexer fail, all in the Lucene section.

Does anyone else also have this problem, or is it just my setup? (JDK 1.6.0, 
WinXP SP2, Maven 2.0.4)

Thanks in advance!


hi dirk
I just checked out the source and tried to do a mvn install.
but after a few seconds it can not get the other artefacts.
the reason is clear:
codehaus.org (http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org),
 central (http://software.group.nca/mvn/remote-repository/),
 apache.snapshots (http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-snapshot-repository),
 internal (http://software.group.nca/mvn/internal-repository/)

and there is no normal repo of codehaus.org defined.


will post if it works after ;-)


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