On 1/27/07, Lisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The tests in question run some database insertion code, so I want all tests
to be ignored by default if someone comes into the directory and runs a

I do not want it mucking up the database, but I do want to provide the
ability to run some specific tests for those people who know what they are
doing and know the magic command to type.

What you're describing are integration tests, which often require
special setup and don't usually get run on every build.

Consider moving these tests to a separate module, and don't include it
in the list of <modules> in the parent pom.  (Is this already a
multi-module project?)

The "magic command" to run these test would either be to change into
that module directory and run 'mvn test' or 'mvn test
-Dtest=ClassName' or to add a profile to the parent pom that picks up
this module when activated.


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