Quite simply, the archetype provided by ServiceMix has a problem --
this is not a Maven bug/issue. Please utilize the ServiceMix support
channels to get this resolved. If you check their bug tracker, it is
quite likely that they are already aware of this problem and will
resolve it themselves.

There's nothing we (Maven Users) can really do to help resolve your
problem, short of someone here who has an interest in JBI
BC/ServiceMix taking their broken archetype jar and fixing it for
them/you. Or if you had more time/interest, you could fix it for them
of course.


On 3/7/07, Owen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Hermod for replying. I think I did what you suggested by deleting
"C:\Documents and
Settings\othomas\.m2\repository\org\apache\servicemix", and re-running
the install-file task again with an earlier version of the same
archetype. You'll see how I did this by looking at:


Unfortunately, this didn't fix the problem.

Sigh... although I would really like to know how Maven works, I have a
deliverable that my management is waiting for, and would rather just use
Maven to help me produce it at the moment.

Maybe it's a bit too early to use Maven in the production of JBI binding

Thanks in advance of your help,


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