I have discovered the bug, logged it and provided a fix. please fix and
release asap :)
Mark Proctor wrote:
I'm trying to use the javadoc plugin with ydoc. If I specify the jars
as artifiacts it cannot use the docletPath setting to find the
resources directory, as its one or the other:
*if* ( ( docletArtifact != *null* ) && (
StringUtils.isNotEmpty( docletArtifact.getGroupId() ) )
&& ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( docletArtifact.getArtifactId()
) )
&& ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( docletArtifact.getVersion() ) ) )
path.append( getArtifactAbsolutePath( docletArtifact ) );
*else* *if* ( docletArtifacts != *null* )
*for* ( *int* i = 0; i < docletArtifacts.length; i++ )
*if* ( docletArtifacts[i] != *null* )
path.append( getArtifactAbsolutePath(
docletArtifacts[i] ) );
*if* ( i < docletArtifacts.length - 1 )
path.append( File.pathSeparator );
path.append( docletPath );
*if* ( StringUtils.isEmpty( path.toString() ) )
*"No docletpath option was found. Please
review <docletpath/> or <docletArtifact/>"*
+ *" or <doclets/>."* );
Maybe docletPath should be allowed ontop of artifacts? Also the
extdirs property is not used anywhere, shouldn't that get put into the
put onto the path?
If I don't specify any artifacts and instead put everything into
<docletPath> then I always get the error at the end,
it's like the docletPath value is not getting injected.
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