
My webapps now come with more and more JavaScript (web 2.0 !)
I expect maven to bring me best-practices and great tools the same way it
did for my java code.

Is there any work-in-progress to integrate some JS-tools as maven plugins ?

- jsdoc (or similar) to générate javadoc-like documentation
- some js-compression tool
- some js-merge tool

I've looked at prototype build system based on Ruby "Rake". The source code
is splitted into individual, specialized, js files. This looks a good
practice to make things clear and avoid conflicts during devs.

YUI comes with a -debug and a -min version of all its components. This also
looks interesting. I've no idea about the build process they use.

Any suggestion ?
Any link to java-based tools web could try to package as maven plugins ?


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