Ashwin E wrote:
I'm a beginner in Maven and Continnum and even to the entire build process.
My questions are mudane and pretty ridiculous but still help me out.

Here they're

1.Where does pom.xml reside?CVS or local machine?
The pom url you specify when adding a project can be the url of your source repo. Btw, the url should include the pom filename in it. You can also add a project from your local file system, but you have to comment out the <allowedScheme>file</allowedScheme> in ${CONTINUUM_home}/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/plexus/application.xml.
2.Where do I create a Maven project?
I'm not sure what you're asking about here but here's a try.
When you add a maven project in Continuum, it would be checked out in ${CONTINUUM-home}/WEB-INF/working-directory.
3.How can I checkout the new update files from CVS,how can I specify the
tags?Every time a developer sumbits changes in CVS and tags them,how do I
checkout it out?Where do I specify the tags?
Continuum automatically checks for updates from CVS everytime it builds a project. I don't really see any point in doing continuous builds in tag codes since they're already frozen. It defeats the purpose of a CI system, don't you think? :)
4.Also how do i make changes to the existing application with these new
What do you mean by this?
Please Answer these.


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