On 6/13/07, Kannan Ekanath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks, I seem to get it. While doing a mvn assembly:assembly it is showing
me a "myapp.zip" however, when I do a

"mvn install" i assumed this file will be stored in the .m2\repo it is still
showing as package-0.3-SNAPSHOT.zip and not myapp.zip(myapp.zip gets copied
into the m2\repo as package-0.3-SNAPSHOT.zip).

Can I install it as myapp.zip? (We have scripts picking up the zip for daily

The finalName element only affects the file in the target directory.
The repository has a specific structure, files will always be deployed
as artifactId-version-classifier.

If you have a script picking up the file out of the repository, then
have the script do the rename as well.  Or you could bind another
plugin to the deploy phase to transfer the file to where it needs to


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