Hi Dan,

mojavelinux wrote on Thursday, June 14, 2007 2:11 AM:

> Damn, I just bumped in to this problem only to find that there is
> still no solution.  I am trying to do a very similar thing.  When one
> of my libraries depends on hibernate, for example, I am using
> properties in the deployed pom file to specify which version should
> be used by default if a person where to use my jar file in their
> project.  However, if they don't want that version of hibernate, they
> theoretically would set the same property in their own pom.xml file. 
> Only, just as Matt has pointed out, the dependency pom is taking
> precedence over the user's pom.xml.  This behavior makes absolutely
> no sense, especially since it is possible to achieve this override
> from the commandline.  The perfectly logical order would be:
> dependency pom -> user pom -> commandline flag. 
> Here is some XML to demonstrate what I am doing:
> some-cool-library.pom
> <dependency>
> <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId>
> <artifactId>hibernate</artifactId>
> <version>${hibernate.version}</version>
> </dependency>
> <properties>
> <hibernate.version>3.2.1.ga</hibernate.version>
> </properties>
> user's pom.xml
> <properties>
> <hibernate.version>3.2.4.sp1</hibernate.version>
> </properties>
> result: no dice.

Don't use a property! Your users can overwrite the Hibernate version with an 
own dependencyManagement section easily.

- Jörg

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