I am using the Eclipse plugin with filtered resources, but I am running into I think will be fixed by MECLIPSE-165 [1]

First, resource are copied from a template directory structure, ${basedir}/src/work-template, to the main test resource directory tree, ${basedir}/src/work, with filtering enabled. Then the resources are copied to the build directory. This way I can run tests that depend on resource inside of Eclipse. Below is an excerpt from pom.xml. Please note that I am not using the default resource directories because the project started before Maven 2.

          Setup resources by applying properties to templates
          and leaving the result in the source directory tree

The only problem is the goal eclipse:eclipse includes src/work and src/work-template with same output directory, src/work. This prevent Eclipse from build the workspace. As a workaround, I delete the classpath entry for the path "src/work-template". The fix purposed in MECLIPSE-165 allows the exclusion of filtered directories.

Paul Spencer

[1] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MECLIPSE-165

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