
I'm a ruby developer who'd like to be using more JRuby, but doesn't know his
way around Java like he'd like to.  I want to use Maven to build myself a
centralized resository of documentation for some selection of of the
projects that are available in public repositories.  What is the easiest way
to go about doing this???

I'm not currently planning on using maven to implement build related tasks
for my JRuby projects, and I don't want the documentation repository to be
project specific, so I'm not really looking to get proficient with the POM

Instinct tells me there's a chance that getting my wish my require a bit of
code-writing.  If so, I would like the implementation to take the form of a
Sake <http://errtheblog.com/post/6069> (short for *S*ystem-wide R*ake*)

Please let me know if you have any ideas for me.  I thank you in advance.

Ryan Hanks

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