Thanks for looking into this Brian.

I started a vote to release the changelog-plugin the other day. I'll stop that vote and try to squeeze in a fix for this problem as well. I'm sure that Paul Sundling will be delighted to read why this isn't working.

I'll see what I can do about it and will make any further comments in JIRA:

jaxzin wrote:
So I found my problem was actually two problems.

1) When I moved the property into the settings.xml, the profile I added it
to was defined without any activation criteria which for many purposes makes
it act as if the profile is always active but withe inconsistant exception
for the properties defined in that profile.  The solution: I added the
profile to the activeProfiles clause in the settings.xml.
2) The scm goals have a configuration property named 'systemProperties' that
I needed to use.
So that got the scm:changelog working without having the clientspec property
specified on the command-line.  Unfortuately this doesn't fix my problem for
the changelog:changelog report goal.  I can run it on command-line with the
property but it doesn't have the equivalent of the 'systemProperties'
configuration.  So for running 'mvn site' even the command-line doesn't work
because the changelog report plugin forks the lifecycle.  So I'm pretty sure
I'm stuck without a bug fix to changelog.  I filed a JIRA issue for it:

jaxzin wrote:
Well, I think I fixed the problem but its not ideal.  I got the
scm:changelog goal to work if I add the following system property on the
command line like this:

mvn scm:changelog

So I thought awesome, I'll just add the property to either my POM or my
settings.xml and the problem is solved.  Nope, if I move the property off
the command line and into the settings.xml or into the POM then I'm back
to square one and the client spec name is auto generated again.

Help!  Why isn't the provider only recognizing the property when its on
the command-line?

jaxzin wrote:
I'm trying to use the changelog with Perforce but after some
investigation it appear that the SCM provider for Perforce in not
creating the necessary client.  The changelog plugin executes this

p4 -p perforce:1666 -c
JACKSBRR-LW-CT-JACKSBRR-MavenSCM-C:\Projects\SuperPOMs\espn filelog -t
-l ...

It must be failing silently because when I try to execute the same
command I get this error:

... - must create client
'JACKSBRR-LW-CT-JACKSBRR-MavenSCM-C:\Projects\SuperPOMs\espn' to access
local files.

My changelog config is:













                            <dateFormat>yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss</dateFormat>











Dennis Lundberg

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