Hi Matthew,

I have gotten around this problem by deploying the SNAPSHOT projects in
question to an internal repository, after first renaming their versions
from X.X.X-SNAPSHOT to X.X.X-myco-X (or something similar).  This can
get messy, since SNAPSHOTs sometimes depend on other SNAPSHOTs, and
those have to also be fixed in the respective POMs.  But it works.  And
it's worth it - maven-release-plugin rocks!


Matthew McCullough wrote:
> Mavenites,
> I have a project in which we depend on SNAPSHOTs.  Unfortunately, three of
> them are not actively being developed at the moment, however we still have
> to use them.  I realize it is a very bad practice to depend on these since
> you never know what is going to be changed.  However, is there any way I can
> override release:prepare from FORCING me to have all dependencies as
> non-snapshots?
> I've reviewed all the documentation I can find on:
> http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-release-plugin/examples/prepare-release.html
> and cannot find anything that seems to allow overriding this behavior of
> requiring all concrete version numbers for dependencies.
> Thanks for any pointers.
> Matthew McCullough
> Ambient Ideas, LLC
> www.ambientideas.com

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