Hi Thorsten!

 I'm trying to remember exactly what the issues that came up while having
maven and eclipse build to the same location, but I can't remember specifics
other than one tool or the other would get confused if the other changed the
source.  It was at least 6 months ago and I didn't document it. :-(

Thanks for the code snip-it.  I tried that and cannot get it to work even
though it *looks* like it should.
This is a snip of the debug output:
[DEBUG]   (s) warSourceDirectory = c:\path\to\war-project\src\main\webapp
[DEBUG]   (s) directory = c:\path\to\war-project/src/main/webapp
[DEBUG]   (s) excludes = [WEB-INF/classes/**]

One thing that I did notice is that I had locked down to version 2.0 in some
of my original tests.  I removed the <version/> tag but still no luck. :-(

Thanks for your time!

On 9/10/07, Thorsten Heit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> > 1) When I left the eclipse output directory as target MyEclipse got very
> > confused and I had a lot of issues, especially switching between eclipse
> and
> > maven builds.
> Just for curiosity: What kind of errors?
> For testing purposes on one of our company's projects I let Eclipse
> compile the project stuff into the standard Maven output directory
> (target/classes), but never encountered any problems with that...
> > 3) Yes, I have tried to get the exclude to work for the web resources,
> but
> > with no success.  All examples are for additional web resource folder,
> so I
> > wonder if that's got anything to do with it. (??)  Has anyone had any
> > experience excluding files / directories from src/main/webapp?
> >
> > Here are some of the things that I have tried, none of which work.  :-(
> >             <plugin>
> >                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
> >                 <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId>
> >                 <version>2.0</version>
> >                 <configuration>
> >                     <!--
> >                         <excludes>
> >                         <exclude>**/WEB-INF/classes/**</exclude>
> >                         </excludes>
> >                     -->
> >                     <!--
> >                         <webResources>
> >                         <resource>
> >                         <directory>src/main/webapp/</directory>
> >                         <excludes>
> >                         <exclude>**/WEB-INF/classes/**</exclude>
> >                         </excludes>
> >                         </resource>
> >                         </webResources>
> >                     -->
> >                     <webResources>
> >                         <resource>
> >                             <directory>
> >                                 src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/
> >                             </directory>
> >                             <excludes>
> >                                 <exclude>**</exclude>
> >                             </excludes>
> >                         </resource>
> >                     </webResources>
> >                 </configuration>
> >             </plugin>
> According to the examples in [1] this looks correct. Can you try the
> following snippet and see whether that works?
> <configuration>
>   <webResources>
>     <resource>
>       <directory>${basedir}/src/main/webapp</directory>
>       <excludes>
>         <exclude>WEB-INF/classes/**</exclude>
>       </excludes>
>     </resource>
>   </webResources>
> </configuration>
> [1]
> http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/examples/adding-filtering-webresources.html
> Thorsten
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