Hi, the eclipse plugin, does not afaik support AJDT, and the aspectJ plugin does not either. I personally do believe this should be a part of the eclipse plugin, but the problem with this, is that there are afaik no elegant way of exchanging information between plugins (like one plugin reading another plugins config). I would like to avoid having the same configuration in 2 plugins, so I think this is something that needs to be added to the aspectJ plugin. merging in the changes in the eclipse files after the eclipse plugin has done it's thing

On Sep 12, 2007, at 10:57 AM, Sebastiaan van Erk wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to generate my eclipse project metadata
(.project/.classpath) with mvn eclipse:eclispe, while also using aspectj.

The .project that gets created DOES contain the ajnature and ajbuilder,
so that's looking good.

However, the classpath attributes indicating that aspects from a jar
should be woven into my project are NOT generated, i.e., instead of:

         <classpathentry kind="var"
path="M2_REPO/org/contract4j5/contract4j5/0.7.1/ contract4j5-0.7.1.jar">
                         <attribute name="org.eclipse.ajdt.aspectpath"

I just get:

        <classpathentry kind="var"
path="M2_REPO/org/contract4j5/contract4j5/0.7.1/ contract4j5-0.7.1.jar" />

The relevant configuration in the the aspectj plugin is in my pom.xml is:


I was wondering if there was any way to get this working. Am I doing
something wrong or do I need to do some extra configuration? Or is this
functionality missing from the relevant plugin (eclispe or aspectj)?

Many thanks!

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