
I have exactly the same error on the same plugin, we are using artifactory
locally and when the plugin is installed as a snapshot it frequently fails
to download and fails the build. Running maven with a -U seems to fix the
problem temporally.

Did you ever find a solution to this? Did using artifactory help?

RomainTaz wrote:
> - Sorry, my previous mail was not properly sent. Here is a clen version -
> Hi all,
> I need to use a plugin available from Codehaus sandbox (this plugin is
> dashboard-maven-plugin).
> As explained in the plugin page, I need to add the following lines in my
> settings.xml file:
> <pluginRepositories>
>     <pluginRepository>
>         <id>Codehaus Snapshots</id>
>               <url>http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org/</url>
>     </pluginRepository>
> </pluginRepositories>
> With this information, the plugin works correctly.
> In my company, we use a global repository, which is currently a shared
> directory on a network drive.
> Thus, all users have the following settings.xml file:
> <settings>
>     <!--  Path to local repository. The default location is
> ~/.m2/repository -->
>     <localRepository>C:\m2\repository\</localRepository>
>     <!--  Definition of mirror of Central Repository -->
>     <mirrors>
>         <mirror>
>             <id>global-repository</id>
>             <name>Global repo</name>
>             <url>file://F:\...\repository</url>
>             <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
>         </mirror>
>     </mirrors>
>     <profiles>
>         <profile>
>             <activation>
>                 <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault>
>             </activation>
>             <repositories>
>                 <repository>
>                     <id>global-repository</id>
>                     <releases>
>                         <enabled>true</enabled>
>                     </releases>
>                     <snapshots>
>                         <enabled>true</enabled>
>                     </snapshots>
>                     <url>file://F:\...\repository</url>
>                 </repository>
>             </repositories>
>         </profile>
>     </profiles>
>     <!-- Definition of Plugins groups created by our team. -->
>     <pluginGroups>
>         <pluginGroup>my.company.plugins</pluginGroup>
>     </pluginGroups>
> </settings>
> This repository is the mirror of the Global repository, and the users has
> no access to external repositories (Maven is not configured to access
> Internet on their computers).
> So, I added the plugin Dashboard-Report in our global repository. Now, in
> "local" configuration (i.e. with a settings.xml without external access),
> Maven is not able to retrieve this plugin. It throws the following error
> when I try to use it:
> The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dashboard-report-plugin' does
> not exist or no valid version could be found
> I think that somewhere, in a XML metadata file, something is wrong,
> because Maven did not understand that the plugin is not a
> org.apache.maven.plugins (the prefix of this plugin is
> "dashboard-report").
> What do I need to change in the settings.xml to make this plugin works in
> a "local" configuration?
> Or is there a "good way" to install this plugin in my global repository in
> order to work fine with "local" configuration?
> Note that we will move to Artifactory asap, but for the moment, I need a
> solution to make this plugin works with a repository based on a shared
> drive...
> Thanks for your help.
> ps: If you have any link, any information that clearly explains what Maven
> do with all metadata-*.xml, do not hesitate to share them :o)

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