> I will reinit all my Continuum instance (fresh database, fresh
> checkout), activate scm debug and see what happen later.
> I will plan 2 build definitions :
>  1. run clean deploy every even hours
>  2. run clean deploy site-deploy every odd hours

Ok, here are the results.
I ran concurrently another checkout of my project, but this one built
by only one build definition.

To summarize :

Group Project 1
 1. every even hours : clean deploy
 2. every odd hours : clean deploy site-deploy

Group Project 2 (same project as above = same sources)
 1. every hours : clean deploy site-deploy

After 21 hours, results :

                              GP1                GP2
build status          all success      all success
nb of BD exec           21*                  21
number of build       2->18**                1

* : BP1 for GP1 was executed 11 times when BP2 was executed 10 times
(=21 executions)

** : the 25 modules of my project where not built all together for each build.
Parent project was built twice, when the final module (depends on each
other modules) was built 18 times. All other modules ware built
between 3 and 17 times, depending on their dependency configurations.

What can be deducted from theses tests ?
 - Several build definitions for the same project group produces
unnecessary builds, without any source modification

 => Maybe build execution doesn't check previous executions of all
other build definitions for the same project group

What do you think ?


Damien Lecan

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