> It isn't recommended to have the same source tree twice in continuum if pom 
> files have the same version.
> With this configuration, continuum can't resolve correctly the build order so 
> a project B that must be built after an other project A is built before, then 
> when A is built, Continuum detect a change
> on it and build B

I set up another Continuum instance last night.
I reset both installations : fresh database, fresh project checkouts

I used exactly same configuration described before, but each project
copy was checked out on its own continuum instance.
I reduced time between to executions from 1h to 30min to have enough
results for this morning

Here are test results after 11h of tests

                                 GP1                GP2
build status           all success      all success
nb of BD exec             22                    22
number of builds       2 to 18                 1

Will you consider these tests results ? Or something else is wrong ?

 => 1 build definition : projects are built once, the first time
 => 2 build definitions : projects are built many times more

I used to use several build definitions with Continuum 1.0.3 for the
same project and it used to work fine.


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