Veyret Stephane wrote on Wednesday, October 17, 2007 10:10 AM:

> Hi,
> I got into a very strange problem. I think this is an issue,
> but I would like to have your opinion first.
> In the following pom.xml file, I have got 2 calls to the
> maven-jar-plugin. I need to do that, because there are other
> plugins working on the generated jar before it is signed, and
> all this at the same lifecycle phase. You will also see that
> the configuration, for the second call, is in the execution
> section. This again is needed, because I have more executions
> to do with different configurations. But anyway, if I put
> configuration directly under the plugin definition, this does
> not change anything to my problem. If you wonder about the
> profiles, this is because lot of things must only be done
> while in "integration" mode.
> To test the pom, I run "mvn -Dintegration clean install".
> The problem I have is that for the second call of the jar
> plugin, the configuration I give is totally ignored. I can
> put whatever I want, Maven will never consider it. As a
> result, I have got an error that says that the "alias"
> parameter is not set... More strange: if I run a
> "help:effective-pom", and use the generated pom instead of my
> original one, it works as expected, i.e. Maven "sees" the parameters!
> I did the tests on different computers with Maven 2.0.7,
> Maven 2.0.5, Java 1.4.2, Java 6, and always have the same result.
> Does anyone have an idea?

Merge it! Both executions should be in one plugin block.

- Jörg

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