
thanks for that, I am trying to get my head into this method of working.. I am just a little worried about having to reload a war each time, doesn't that require complete reloading of the war in the web server, which is perhaps too much of an interruption to a production application in some cases ?



Nick Stolwijk wrote:
Normally, even with a few updated files, you would release your project again. Then it will create a new version number, a tag and the final artifacts, like jars and wars. This has nothing to do with how you deploy it to production. The deployment Maven talks about is deploying the artifacts to a Maven repository.

The deployment to production will be the full war file again. This way, you can reproduce the deployment. (Changing some files on your production server is not a good idea.) Also, often these new artifacts will have to go through testing and acceptance again, before making it to a production server. (Our development cycle is Development, Test, Acceptance, Production)

I hope this clears things up a bit.

With regards,

Nick Stolwijk

Ross Mcdonald wrote:
Hi all,

I am a newbie to this, carefully considering bringing Maven in house to our small company to improve a number of different systems. I have downloaded a couple of ebooks which are great, and I see many ways in which Maven will make life easier, I am however finding it difficult to track down information in the books and with the help of google on deployment strategies for live setups.

I see the use of creating a war for initial deployment, but what about later when just want to send a few updated files across to a production server? I say there is a distributionManagement element, which can use a number of different protocols to send files, but I cannot see any real world examples, or find documentation with enough detail. Can anyone point me towards some nice easy examples on this topic?

Thankyou in advance for your help.



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