You have
in your javadoc-plugin configuration.

That means that your site will only have one aggregated set of javadocs, and they will be created for the parent project.

Mac-Systems wrote:

there is the parent POM for the Project:,


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

   Maven benoetigt zur Installation
   mvn -U help:effective-pom -Doutput=effective.pom   -->
<project xmlns=""; xmlns:xsi=""; xsi:schemaLocation="";>
   <!-- Master Version-->
   <name>WPP - trunk</name>
   <description>a description</description>
   <!-- -Angabe des Repositorys -->
   <!-- -->
 </issueManagement>      <!-- Setzen allgemein gueltiger Properties -->
       Globale Reports
           </plugin>        -->
                   <outputName>Testergebnisse JUnit</outputName>
               </configuration>                          </plugin>
<!--<xmlOutputDirectory>directory location of xml findbugs report</xmlOutputDirectory>-->
           </plugin>                  <plugin>
<tag>todo</tag> <tag>ToDo</tag> <tag>REDO</tag> <tag>redo</tag> <tag>ReDo</tag> <tag>FIXME</tag> <tag>fixme</tag> <tag>FixMe</tag>
<!-- Erzeuge Java Doc - der parameter use wird verwendet da waerend der erzeugung eine NullPointerException im javadoc tool fliegt -->
<doctitle><![CDATA[<h1>bla bla bla ${pom.version} </h1>]]></doctitle> <bottom><![CDATA[<i><a href="";></a></i>]]></bottom> <aggregate>true</aggregate> <additionalJOption>-J-XX:MaxPermSize=256m</additionalJOption>
           </plugin>                      <plugin>
<aggregate>true</aggregate> <linkJavadoc>true</linkJavadoc>
               </reportSets>                              <configuration>
<ruleset>/rulesets/codesize.xml</ruleset> <ruleset>/rulesets/clone.xml</ruleset> <ruleset>/rulesets/imports.xml</ruleset> <ruleset>/rulesets/design.xml</ruleset> <ruleset>/rulesets/unusedcode.xml</ruleset> <ruleset>/rulesets/clone.xml</ruleset> <ruleset>/rulesets/coupling.xml</ruleset> <ruleset>/rulesets/strings.xml</ruleset> <ruleset>/rulesets/j2ee.xml</ruleset> </rulesets>
           </plugin>                 <plugin>
</reportSets> </plugin>--> <plugin>
           </plugin>                  </plugins>
   </reporting>      <build>
Das ist ein Workaround fuer den SCM Bug unter Linux das SVN die Locale nicht findet.
               Die angegebende version hat dieses Problem nicht
<!-- Das Staging verzeichniss beinhaltet eine vorabversion der Webseite Maven goal site:stage --> <stagingDirectory>${user.home}/tomcat/webapps/mavensite</stagingDirectory>
               </configuration>              </plugin>
Hierueber wird gesteuert ob der Build als Fehlerhaft angesehen wird sobald ein Test fehlgeschlagen ist.
                       Unterliegende Projekte erben diese Einstellung
<testFailureIgnore>true</testFailureIgnore> <!-- Setzen allgemein gueltiger --> <!--<systemProperties> <property>
</property> </systemProperties>--> </configuration>
           Angabe der Versionen der Plugins die verwendet werden.
           Hier werden keine Konfigurations angaben gemacht!

               <!-- Codehaus Plugins -->

               </plugin>                  <plugin>
       Globale abhaengigkeiten
Todo: Weitere globale definieren, so muss nicht immer die version angegeben werden. Siehe 'Better Builds with Maven Seite.62 '
   Hier wird das ziel definiert wohin die generierte Website deployed wird.
   Der Tomcat laeuft auf selbe
             <repository>              <id>wpp-deployment</id>
           <name>Deploy Repository der Release Artefakte.</name>
       </repository>                  <snapshotRepository>
           <name>Deploy Repository der Snapshot Artefakte.</name>
       </snapshotRepository>            </distributionManagement>
           <id>Codehaus mojo</id>
         <!-- Das Dshboard Plugin benoetigt das Repository -->
              <id>Codehaus Snapshots</id>
                   <address>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</address>
</ciManagement> <!-- Angabe der Team Mitglieder (diese werden auf der Webseite veroeffentlicht) -->
           <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
               <role>Technical Lead</role>
           <organization>aCompany GmbH</organization>



<module>WPPECEJBClient</module> <module>WPPSZEJBClient</module>

<module>WPPSZEJB</module> <module>WPPSDEJBClient</module>

Could you post your pom file and the output of mvn -X site?

With regards,

Nick Stolwijk

-----Original Message-----
From: Mac-Systems [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 10/25/2007 11:30 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: maven-project-info-reports-plugin do not include Javadoc when using Well,

i have the javadoc included in reporting section of the parent pom.
Looks like this:


And i works well until i add the changelog report in my reporting section.
Anyone can help ?

If at first the javadocs were generated, I guess you had configured the javadoc reporting plugin [1]. Maybe you removed the configuration of it?


Nick Stolwijk


-----Original Message-----
From: Mac-Systems [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 10/25/2007 11:00 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: maven-project-info-reports-plugin do not include Javadoc when using Hello,

im using maven 2.0.7 on a large multiproject.
Since last week i generate javadoc for all project
with success, later i added the changelog report.
Since i added the Changelog i miss the generated Javadoc
for the Project, the Javadoc is generated but it is not linked
from the (sub) Projects.

Anyone can tell me what i am doing wrong ?

I wonder why Javadoc will be linked to Project site as
the Project Info-Report Plugin no list the Java Doc.
May i look at the false Plugin which includes these kind of
reports for the site ?


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