I'm doing exactly that.  They key point turned out to be these
settings in settings.xml;


        <name>Archiva Mirror Repository</name>

On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 14:47 +0100, MATHUS Baptiste wrote:
> Hi all,
> We're trying to use archiva as a simple maven proxy. We'd like to be
> able to provide only one url to our developer boxes that would proxify
> many repositories.
> For example, we would put http://ourCIserver/archiva/repository/all/ in
> every single settings.xml maven file.
> Behind this url, archiva would be able to be proxifying transparently
> public well-known repositories + corporate files. 
> Here's what I thought I could do : 
> 1/ define one of more remote repositories (like repo1.maven.org/maven2
> for example)
> 2/ define a managed repo called corporate, or so
> 3/ define a proxy connector that would offer the union of both
> repositories above under only one URL.
> In fact, I want to put the remote repo and all this conf inside archiva
> only. I don't want dev configs to have to be aware that there are n
> repositories to declare in their settings.xml. Moreover, we really don't
> want to be forced to update say 30 computer configs if we decide to add
> another remote repo inside archiva.
> I hope I'm being understandable.
> Is there any way to achieve this with archiva or should I stop looking
> for this feature?
> Thanks a lot.

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