I suppose I could copy in a pom that I keep somewhere else if and when I do a fresh checkout of the project. Or, I could try to convince the authors of that project to convert to Maven.

Thanks for the help,

From: "Roland Asmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 8, 2007 6:39:51 PM EST
To: "Maven Users List" <users@maven.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Plugins and Multiple projects

Seeing that you build the 'other-project' as well, wouldn't it be easier
to just throw in a pom.xml in that directory and configure the ant-run
there? That way your project 'is' a Maven-project from now on! ;-)

I believe that's the easiest solution, because a pom-type-project
(parent-project) doesn't execute the compile-phase. You could try to
configure it in another phase that IS run by the pom-lifecycle, but I
still believe the 'small conversion' I suggested would be the easiest way
to go...

I have several subprojects of a project, plus another project that is
not controlled by Maven.  I would like to setup the antrun plugin to
run ANT on just the subproject that is not controlled by Maven (and I
don't have the power to change this).  When I put the plugin
definition into the lifecycle via:
            <id>Solr Build</id>

              <tasks if="">
                <ant antfile="build.xml" dir="other-project"

Maven tries to run this plugin on all of my modules and thus fails b/c
the build.xml doesn't exist in any of the modules directories.  Is
there some way to tell it to only run this plugin once, at the top
level, but still execute the compile phase?

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