I have never understood completely how Log4J and JCL interact. I found
that following 
and adding a commons-logging.properties file with
org.apache.commons.logging.Log = org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger
seems to help.

Good luck !

On 05/12/2007, Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> VanIngen, Erik (ESTG) on 03/12/07 12:04, wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > My log4j.properties is located in
> > src/test/resources/log4j.properties
> >
> > Loglevel is set to ERROR
> >
> > During the test, all logging is done on INFO level, e.g. it seems that log4j
> > does not find the log4j.properties.
> It could be many things. Presumably you have log4j configured as a dependency.
> Also, you are testing in mvn on the cmd line and not in Eclipse or your IDE?
> Ignorantly, I can't see how log4j is initialising itself in the test run - I'm
> using commons-logging, maybe that's why.
> Also I assume you have not foobarred your log4j.properties? 'Loglevel' doesn't
> sound encouraging. Your main logging statements should be enabled so
> log4j.category.org.permacode=WARN
> along with appropriate appenders.
> Adam
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