On Dec 5, 2007 12:01 PM, Erez Nahir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have being trying to ask this question in the past, searched for forum and
> read documentation, but, no answer yet. I'll try again hopefully I will get
> an answer (or maybe just hints) what is going on.
> So, we have a multi module project with some antrun configuration running in
> some modules during the build.
> None of the ant tasks is configure to run in the site lifecycle, all are
> during standard lifecycle.

Without seeing the poms it's really hard to tell.  The best thing you
can do is construct the simplest possible example that demonstrates
the problem.  Often you'll figure it out yourself while doing that,
but if not, you can zip it up and post a link for someone to look at,
or attach it to a JIRA issue if it seems like there's  bug.


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