
isn't there anyone who could help me out with my proxy / no proxy problem using 
Maven 1.1.?

>Nope, we don't need a proxy username or password -
>plus, the IP I wrote down is the IP that should NOT use a proxy.
>When I type in the IP into my browser, I can see the maven repository.
>And when I remove the proxy setting it also works in Maven.
>With these settings:
>It works (but then the urls that need a proxy don't work anymore...)
>maven tomcat:deploy
>Trying to get missing dependencies (and updated snapshots) required by 
>- Attempting to download MYFOLDER:MYDEPENDENCY:jar from >
>70K downloaded

>Well, actually, I am just thinking - the IP I wrote down needs to be >tunneled 
>in a VPN. But
>when I am in the VPN tunnel, should that also apply for Maven? In Tomcat >I 
>added noProxy Settings
>like this:
>And with Tomcat it does work that way.

Thanks in advance,

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