I'm currently building a module whose end result is an exploded war.  However, 
I also want to include some other files to be deployed to the webappDirectory.

For example, I have the plugin declared with:

In that directory I do get WEB-INF/classes/ and WEB-INF/lib/ which is fine, but 
then I would also like to include some config files that are located in the 
conf/ directory relative to the pom.xml file.  So I add the resource via the 
resource tags and give it the targetPath to be placed in the WEB-INF directory 
that the war file is being exploded to.

However, when I run this I find the files in /home/brianjw/webapps/server 
instead of /home/brianjw/webapps/server/WEB-INF.  It appears targetPath is 
being completely ignored by the plugin.

I've looked at the issues list and this was an issue that was fixed, MWAR-54, 
but like others I'm still finding this issue unresolved and I haven't been able 
to find a response to it.

Is this still an issue?  Is it being addressed? Should I file a new issue for 
it since the old issue appears to be closed and ignored?  Or am I doing 
something wrong?


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