There are two ways:

1. Give it a new version number (e.g. 2.0-yourcompany-1) because you may
want to re-build it if/WHEN you find issues with your build, and if you
don't attach a build/version to the version number you'll be in trouble.
Also you should prefix the build/version with yourcompany so people know
it's you as what did it.

2. Alternatively, change the groupId to com.yourcompany.yourproduct... now
you can have any version number you like.  For that kind of change I would
strongly recommend importing the source code into your SCM, as in reality
this is a "fork"

For both 1 & 2 I would ensure that you have a snapshot of the source code in
SCM, but with option 2, you really will need that snapshot.  Also #2 is
probably better suited to when you need to patch the source heavily in order
to get it to build, whereas #1 is for when they just have not pushed a
release as recently as you'd like.

Just my €0.02

On Jan 22, 2008 7:54 PM, Ken Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all -
> I am getting close to releasing a project and am trying to nail down all
> the
> SNAPSHOT dependencies. I have one plugin (jboss-sar), which was never
> released, and only has a 2.0-SNAPSHOT version available.  I want to take
> this jar and assign a release number to it to be installed in our internal
> maven repo.
> Is there an "official" way to do this?  I have been manually doing the
> following:
> 1) in the jar, editing plugin.xml and replacing the version "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
> with "2.0-MINE"
> 2) in the jar, editing and changing the property "
> 2.0-SNAPSHOT" with "2.0-MINE"
> 3) in the jar, editing pom.xml and replacing the version "2.0-SNAPSHOT"
> with
> "2.0-MINE"
> 4) renaming the jar from "jboss-sar-maven-plugin-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" to "
> jboss-sar-maven-plugin-2.0-MINE.jar"
> 5) using "mvn install:install-file" to add the jar to my internal
> repository
> Is this sufficient?  Did I miss any steps?  Is there an easier way to do
> this?

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