Typically, one would have branches have a different version. For example, trunk would be on 2.0-SNAPSHOT, but the 1.x branch would be on 1.2-SNAPSHOT. A lot of this depends on one's branching strategy. If you use branches for teams or experimental features, then I would build a branch portion into your versions. A short code at the beginning of the branch version.

1.0-SNAPSHOT (trunk)


1.0-SNAPSHOT (trunk)

The above is a problematic strategy for branching, but it is used, and this way you have everything nicely separated. At some points, where we had non-version-oriented branching (experimental branches) we had a property set in the active parent (the one that all things got their versions from) that defined the version for itself and all children.


and then we changed it into <providedversion>EXP-BLAH-1.0-SNAPSHOT</ providedversion> for the experimental work that didn't follow our "branch for maintenance" strategy.


On 23-Jan-08, at 11:40 , Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

You must use a different version for your projects.
An uniq id for a project is groupId+artifactId+version


On Jan 23, 2008 4:24 PM, Claudio Ranieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I added 2 M2_projects in continuum. The trunk version and branch version
of the one project.
But the continuum only detect changes in the branch version. The continuum
doesn´t detect changes in trunk version.
I saw the continuum log and I got:

12646035 [defaultScheduler_Worker-11] WARN
org.apache.maven.continuum.Continuum:default  - Project
'ReplicacaoNova:publicacao:bin' is duplicated in the reactor

groupId:  ReplicacaoNova
artifactoryId: publicacao
version: bin

How can I resolve this problem?

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