Nice work Raphaël.

On 8-Feb-08, at 7:40 PM, Raphaël Piéroni wrote:

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven
Archetype Plugin, version 2.0-alpha-1

You can use it by calling mvn archetype:create

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Archetype Plugin - Version 2.0-alpha-1

** Bug
   * [ARCHETYPE-82] - add-groups doesn't create archetype.xml
   * [ARCHETYPE-83] - archetypeng:create crashes with
   * [ARCHETYPE-84] - need a way to preserve the java package in
   * [ARCHETYPE-87] - create-from-project replaces too many things in
the pom with variables
* [ARCHETYPE-88] - sometimes add-groups fails when there is a pom present
   * [ARCHETYPE-90] - all the contents of an archetype shouldn't be
processed by velocity during creation
   * [ARCHETYPE-91] - create is prompting for a package
   * [ARCHETYPE-93] - archetypeng:create loop forever when the
selected group contains no archetype
   * [ARCHETYPE-94] - Archetype not registered when installed in
local repository
   * [ARCHETYPE-97] - <modules> section is missing after using
* [ARCHETYPE-98] - parents in modules are not always correctly updated
   * [ARCHETYPE-99] - child module is getting replaced with parent
artifactId and groupId
   * [ARCHETYPE-100] - sibling dependencies are not updated
* [ARCHETYPE-103] - should be in /target not root
   * [ARCHETYPE-104] - module name changed for unknown reason
   * [ARCHETYPE-105] - not able to create from project with
sibling-dependencies test project
   * [ARCHETYPE-121] - build don't works on windows and jdk1.4

** Improvement
   * [ARCHETYPE-114] - NG code should not depend on Maven 2.1

** New Feature
   * [ARCHETYPE-95] - Provide creation of partial archetypes in

** Task
   * [ARCHETYPE-72] - Generate standard archetypes from real projects


-The Maven team

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

Our achievements speak for themselves. What we have to keep track
of are our failures, discouragements and doubts. We tend to forget
the past difficulties, the many false starts, and the painful
groping. We see our past achievements as the end result of a
clean forward thrust, and our present difficulties as
signs of decline and decay.

-- Eric Hoffer, Reflections on the Human Condition

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