You could attach the common descriptor as a build artifact one module, and
then use the dependency plugin to pull it down to each child module.


Use buildhelper-maven-plugin in rwcf-apps to attach dist.xml with a
classifier of, e.g. assembly-descriptor.
Now when you run mvn install or mvn deploy on rwcf-apps the descriptor will
be published to the maven repository (local or remote respectively)

Then in one of the modules that you want to use this common descriptor, add
a dependency on the rwcf-apps with a type of assembly-descriptor, you use
maven-dependency-plugin to copy the dependency to your target directory, and
then your pom just directs the assembly plugin to use that descriptor.


On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 8:47 PM, Reto Bachmann-Gmür <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello
> I'm having many projects that share some dependencies and that should be
> packaged the same way. So I wanted to have a parent project configuring
> the maven-assembly-plugin.
> I did this with the following  in the parent pom:
> ....
> <plugin>
>        <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>        <configuration>
>                <descriptors>
>  <descriptor>../rwcf-apps/src/assembly/dist.xml</descriptor>
>                </descriptors>
>        </configuration>
> This only works when the parent is checked out in a sibling directory of
> the child. If one just check out a child project without checking out
> the parent assembly:assembly wont work. Things work using a
> descriptorRef but the predefined descriptors don't do what I'm looking
> for.
> Possibly ways to solve the issues might be:
>    * have the plugin look up the descriptor from the parent rather
>    * reference a descriptor with an http uri
>    * include the content of descriptor directly in the pom
> ...but I didn't find a way to do it in any of these ways.
> Any suggestion on how to make it possible to check out a single
> child-project and being able to assemble it?
> If you would like to know more precisely what I'm doing, you may look at
>    * The descriptor:
>    * The parent pom:
>    * A child pom:
> Cheers,
> reto

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