
Yes sorry I didn't catch that - the other pom should have a dependency
management not a dependency section!  You want to enforce versions not


On 25/02/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does your setup work when maven is run from the command-line?
> If so, then that is a bug in the maven-eclipse-plugin, not in maven
> itself.
> I'm not entirely convinced that the whole idea of having a block of
> dependencies that multiple projects depend on is useful. Why would you
> want such a thing? A project should normally declare exactly the
> dependencies it needs, no more and no less. It would be odd for several
> projects to have exactly the same dependencies.
> Anyway, the obvious way of managing "shared" dependencies (assuming you
> really want to) would be to have a common parent pom, not by separating
> out dependencies into a separate pom-project that is used as a dependency.
> However I cannot see why a pom-only dependency wouldn't work. If it
> works in maven from the command-line, but the maven-eclipse-plugin
> cannot handle it, then I suggest you file a bug against the
> maven-eclipse-plugin.
> Are you perhaps trying to force specific versions of transient
> dependencies to be used, eg you are depending on external projects and
> want to be sure that *if* library Foo is pulled in transiently then a
> specific version is used? That is handled via dependencyManagement, not
> dependency declarations...
> Regards,
> Simon
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
> > Hi Nicole,
> >
> > Thanks for the prompt reply.
> > Yes the packaging is POM and it works (therefor) now.
> > BUT:
> >       only
> >              mvn eclipse:eclipse
> > now just wants to download the jar.
> >
> > mit freundlichen Grüßen/best regards
> >
> > Wolfgang Schrecker
> >
> >
> >
> >              "Nicole Lacoste"
> >              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >              il.com
> >                                                    An
> >                                         "Maven Users List"
> >              25.02.2008 14:09           <users@maven.apache.org>
> >                                                                      Kopie
> >
> >               Bitte
> antworten                                        Thema
> >                     an                  Re: simple question concerning
> >                "Maven Users             transitive dependencies [Virus
> >                    List"                checked]
> >              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                   he.org>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi Wolfgang,
> >
> > Make sure that in the pom that contains the dependencies has right
> > <packaging>.  It should be pom, if you don't mention packaging the
> default
> > is jar.  When you depend on this artifact you need to mention type, I am
> > not
> > sure what you put here? Maybe pom too?  We have the same sort of thing,
> but
> > we define this artifact as the parent of all our projects.
> >
> > Viel Gluck,
> >
> > Nicole
> >
> > On 25/02/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> in some projects, we need the same dependencies.
> >> Although there must be a better way, I create a pom by hand containing
> >> those dependencies in my local repository
> >> and declared one dependency in the project to pull in that list.
> >> Unfortunately, it does not work and MAVEN complains, there is no jar
> file
> >> for this dependency (and there isn't, of cause).
> >>
> >> Can someone point me to some docs explaining how to set up these
> >> transitive
> >> dependencies ?
> >>
> >> And how do I install those into a repository (like archiva) ?
> >>
> >> mit freundlichen Grüßen/best regards
> >>
> >> Wolfgang Schrecker
> >>
> >
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