Hello all,
I'm having issues deploying my site using scp protocol (same issue with
sftp as well).
I get the following error, which apparently means that maven can't find
the URL:
    Cannot connect. Reason: invalid server's version string
Here's the kicker...  If I remove my http proxy settings from my
settings.xml file, my site:deploy works!
If looks like even though my distributionManagement URL is using the scp
protocol, and my proxy settings specify the http protocol, that it is
still going through my proxy.
Here are the snippets from my xml files:
    <nonProxyHosts>serverhostname, *.ge.com</nonProxyHosts>
Obviously, removing my proxy settings for http causes me to not be able
to download plugins and dependencies.  Also, setting 'active' to false
does not seem to work, and setting my server's hostname (both fully
qualified and not) in the 'nonProxyHosts' tag does not seem to work.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

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