the project is compiled and build successfully when i try it on Eclipse.
the error is "package com.gigaspaces.* does not exist".
I think its compile error because it doesn't find the .jar file it should
reference to - and this is my problem - i added a dependency in the
pom.xmlfor the .jar that i need but it seems that maven ignores it and
try to
compile without it.

am i missing something here?

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 7:41 PM, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Avi L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  hi,
> >  im trying to build my project which depended on a 3rd party jar.
> >
> >  i made "mvn install:install-file" [1] and then added the dependency to
> my
> >  project's pom.xml [2].
> >  but still when i do "mvn compile" i get the message "package X does not
> >  exist.
> That sounds like a message from the compiler, not from Maven.  Can you
> paste the exact error?
> It's hard to tell from here, it might just be a typo in the code, or
> maybe the jar you installed really doesn't contain that package.
> --
> Wendy
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