On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Avi Laviad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  the project is compiled and build successfully when i try it on Eclipse.
>  the error is "package com.gigaspaces.* does not exist".
>  I think its compile error because it doesn't find the .jar file it should
>  reference to - and this is my problem - i added a dependency in the
>  pom.xmlfor the .jar that i need but it seems that maven ignores it and
>  try to compile without it.

We need to see more of the pom and the error in order to help.  I'll
take one more guess... any chance that dependency you posted is inside
<dependencyManagement> instead of just <dependencies> ?

Add -X to the command line and Maven will print out a lot of
information, including the classpath.  Then you can see if the jar is
on the classpath at all.


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