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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:41 AM
Subject: Multi-module reactor ignores classifiers? Unable to release
To: Maven Users List <users@maven.apache.org>


 I'm facing some problems with the way Maven handles classifier-enabled
 artifacts that are not yet installed into the local repository:

 Consider the following multi-modules project:
 - parent (reactor project, pom packaging)
 - moduleA (jar packaging)
 - moduleB (jar packaging)

 The test-jar goal of the jar packager is enabled:

 moduleB defines a dependency to moduleA:

 If I try to build my project using the "verify" goal on the reactor
 project (I haven't done any "install" goal yet), the dependency
 resolving process fails on moduleB: it seems to ignore the previously
 packaged module (that is, moduleA) and throws an error because it
 can't find the GROUPID:moduleA:jar:tests:VERSION (replace
 GROUPID/VERSION with actual values). Actually, it tries to retrieve it
 from the configured repositories which obviously don't have the newly
 created moduleA artifact.
 One way I found to successfully compile moduleB is to execute the
 "install" goal instead of the "verify" goal so that any module gets
 installed in the local repository right before compiling the next one
 in the reactor chain.
 The problem is that *I don't want* to install those artifacts into the
 local repository until every single module of my project gets
 successfully packaged/tested.

 I found that if I remove the "tests" classifier from my dependency,
 the previously packaged artifact gets successfully resolved (but I
 need this classifier).

 The real story behind that requirement is that I'm trying to use the
 maven-release-plugin and don't want it to set the
 <preparationGoals>clean install verify</preparationGoals> option that
 would cause any "to-be-tagged-but-not-snapshot-any-more" version of
 my modules to be installed into
 the local repository, before the whole preparation validation
 successes. Installing modules before the whole preparation processes
 would cause my local repository to be in an unstable state in case of
 any subsequent failure of the "prepare" goal because artifacts are not
 "SNAPSHOT"-qualified during the preparation process but some of them
 could not be successfully installed/deployed.

 Any idea on how I can resolve those dependencies without installing
 them? (I'm using 2.0.8)
 I may be lacking some Maven concepts, please kindly advise, thanks!

 Attached: a sample project that exhibits my problem (configure the
 scm/distributionManagement and run mvn release:prepare)



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