On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 12:33 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a very common pitfall Maven users can fall in.
>  You are using a local repository as remote repository. I thought there was 
> some information on the maven site about the differences between remote and 
> local repositories, but the most important one is:
>  A local repository stores snapshots different than a remote one. If you use 
> a local repository as a remote repository, Maven can't tell that a snapshot 
> artifact has changed, so you won't get the newer snapshot. (You can only get 
> the newer one, if you manually remove the snapshot from your own local 
> repository. This can be very tricky)
>  Hth,
>  Nick S.
>  [snip]

Maybe the problem is terminology. To me "local repository" means "a
repository stored locally"; e.g.: if I mirror the central repo on my
hard drive, I have a "local repository".  The
${user.home}/.m2/repository folder should perhaps be referred to as
"local cache".  I don't think anyone would expect a local cache to be
shared or used the same way that the central repository is.

(my $.02)

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