On 13-Apr-08, at 8:52 AM, Olivier Dehon wrote:
How about handling of maven2 project releases? Does it integrate nicely
with the release plugin?

There's nothing magical about configuring Hudson to fire off any set of plugins with any goals. We do on demand builds and releases with Hudson though this is more in the realm of a build server. We also don't use the release plugin across the board because it's doesn't work flawlessly with many SCMs other then subversion. So a lot of times I know our clients must roll something of their own and Hudson works great for this.

And also, one point of concern is the security and roles management (who
can deploy/force builds/release per project?

There is authentication, but honestly I deal with some of the largest IT environments and they care more that it works. We've worked around any security concern putting Apache in front of it and use one of the security modules. But I know from talking with James Dumay that working with Redback is no great pleasure talking with him about his experiences in trying to plug Redback into Crowd. Generally using mod_authz_ldap with some groups and you can do what you need to do. That's not to say that rbac like control isn't a good thing to have but people prefer the general system work first, which Hudson does better then anything else IMO.

I have been using Continuum for about a year without too many issues and
it deals with all that nicely, does Hudson provide those features?

Reading from the doc links below, it appeared to me Hudson was less well
integrated for Maven 2 projects?

Am I wrong?

The Maven integration is so-so but that's changing everyday. I know from my vantage point Hudson is the only system I will provide commercial support for at Sonatype because the battle is over. Hudson won by making developers lives' easier. Kohsuke will go to no end to make things easier for users. He wrote a JNI tool so that people using ActiveDirectory wouldn't have to login all over the place. The other very cool thing was the use of Winstone in creating the easiest way to get a system up and running anyone has ever seen. These are the types of things Kohsuke will do and it brings other really good developers to the table. Tom is now doing some very cool things with Hudson for automated artifact promotion and Continuum certainly doesn't do that and if you ask a development organization if they wanted automated promotion models or security, they would take the automated promotion models. Along with all the other cool things in Hudson. Just that it has a real plugin model makes a world of difference because it truly is extensible like Maven.

What's important is that it continues to work which is why people are flocking to Hudson. We actually use the freestyle builds with our Maven projects and though that takes a few minutes to setup in the long run it just works.

At any rate I guarantee you that inside 3 months Hudson will have the best Maven integration of any CI/Build Server there is.


On Sun, 2008-04-13 at 16:34 +0200, Tom Huybrechts wrote:
Kohsuke keeps it simple, yet very powerful. You can have Hudson
installed and your first build running within minutes.
If you need customization, it is also incredibly easy to extend via plugins.

Just try it, you'll never look back...

On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Peter Horlock
could you tell me your reason why you prefer hudson?



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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

Selfish deeds are the shortest path to self destruction.

-- The Seven Samuari, Akira Kirosawa

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