On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 9:06 PM, Peter Horlock
> Hi,
>  Which continuous integration server would you recommend me?
>  Continuum? Or is there also a version by sonatype in the making?! :-)

We have been using CruiseControl (since July 2007), some of the other
CI tools weren't really ready then.

There are lots of things that I would like to have but just getting CI
up and running is more important.

Some things you may want to consider:
* If Project B depends on Project A and A is rebuilt, does B get rebuilt?
* If B and A are in the list of projects to get rebuilt, is A rebuilt
first to avoid false build failures on B (because the changes in A are
not yet available)
* Trend analysis (having just looked at hudson this appears to do what
I want and is quite nice)

As someone suggested, your probably going to have to invest some time
and play with these tools and come to your own conclusion.

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