Hi Joshua,

Joshua ChaitinPollak wrote:
> In this setup, you still need to refer to the version of the parent
> pom, right? 


> We are just starting to use  multi-module pom, and are
> realizing that
> all of our modules are going to need to be updated with the parent-
> pom's version every time we release a new version. Is there any way
> around this? 

No, not really. Forget about all those recommendations to use properties for 
the version of the parent POM. This is not suppoerted and using properties for 
dependency versions is discouraged. Use a project (or company) wide POM to 
define the versions of your dependencies in a dependencyManagement section. 
Then you don't have to set any version for the deps in your POMs. To refer the 
global parent POM you might use simply "SNAPSHOT" as version for that. Each 
time you like to release the artifact, you will have to replace it with the 
latest release of the global POM. You may immediately return to SNAPSHOT after 
the release then or keep the version number of the released parent until you 
need a dependency with a newer version. With this approach all artifacts that 
refer the global POM as SNAPSHOT don't have to be changed if you have to 
release the global POM (using "SNAPSHOT" as the next development version).

- Jörg

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