Hi all!

I'm having problems with a multimodule project with EJB3 dependencies. It 
seems maven is not able to include EJB3 modules in the classpath of other 
child-modules when not in the local repository. The simplest project 
struture to reproduce is the following:

parent (packagin pom)
  +-- child1 (packagin jar)
  `-- child2 (packagin ejb)

where child1 depends on child2. When I execute "mvn package" (with an empty 
local repository) from the parent child2 is packaged and then I get a 
missing dependency in child1 on child2:

INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) at.co.xss.mhtest.multimodule:child2:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT

However, when I execute "mvn install" instead everything compiles and 
packages fine.

The problem seems to be that maven is not able to include the classes of the 
child2 module in the classpath of child1 when it is compiling child1. When 
a "mvn install" is executed, the final jar is in the local repo and 
correctly included in the classpath, so this shows no problems.

Is this behaviour with EJB3 modules intentional, am I missing something here 
or is this a bug?

Thanks for your suggestions,
- martin

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