You need to bind the execution of the buildnumber:create mojo to a
Maven phase prior to install, eg compile.


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 3:08 AM, Niranjan Deshpande
> Hi all
>  I am using the buildnumber plugin in my pom. details of the plugin are here
>  I have configured the plugin under the
>  <build>
>     <pluginManagement> tags
>  While taing the build i run this command:
>  *mvn buildnumber:create install*
>  The war file generated has name application_Name-Build-r2008-05-05.war
>  This name is a result of the finalName tag, in the POM:
>  *
> <finalName>${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-r${buildNumber}</finalName>
>  *
>  But when I run
>  *mvn install*
>  **
>  war file that is added to the maven local repository is
>  application_Name-Build.war, without the timestamp.
>  This is recult of the version tag in the POM
>  <version>Build</version>
>  1.How do i make the intall task, aware of the plugin, and make it run only
>  after the plugin has been executed.
>  2. During war creation, build is tagged using the finalName element, but
>  during installation, its tagged using the version element.
>  I want it to be tagged using the finalName element in both cases. Is htere a
>  way to do so?
>  Please help me.

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