You sure the only difference is 2.0.8 vs 2.0.9? That would mean that
you have all plugins locked down (and same JDK etc), and only the core
is changing. Is this the case?


On 5/15/08, Ryan Moquin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I'm not sure what all to submit informationwise about this issue, but
> I switched to Maven 2.0.9 and now my builds fail with PermGen errors and on
> my other build, it complains about being out of heapspace.  When I switch
> back to 2.0.8, I do not get this memory errors during a full build  Are
> there any known memory issues with 2.0.9?  Or should I just be increasing my
> memory settings?  It appears to me to be a bug, but I wanted to run it past
> you all.  Has anyone else seen this problem?
> Thanks,
> Ryan

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