
I do it like this:


and I think this is the right way to do it since standard resources end up somewhere under 'target/classes' and I don't want that polluted with a web.xml file.


Henri Gomez schrieb:
Hi to all,

In a war project I'd like to filter the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml :

ie : update the display name to include the pom version

        <display-name>My Site Application v${pom.version}</display-name>

I read some threads and it's not clear if it should be done by
web-resources or standard filtering.

ie : http://www.nabble.com/War-plugin-and-filtering-webapp-files-to4384723.html

Advice welcome, I'm using maven-war-plugin 2.0.2

regards and thanks for your help, I'm being crasy :)

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