
I just tried with your POM (obviously without parent) and a simple test project:

  |-- pom.xml
  `-- src
      `-- main
          |-- resources
          |   `-- test.properties
          `-- webapp
              |-- WEB-INF
              |   |-- beans
              |   |-- defs
              |   |-- flows
              |   |-- jsps
              |   `-- web.xml
              |-- css
              `-- index.jsp

and the war created by 'mvn package' (maven 2.0.9, war-plugin 2.1-alpha-1) looks just as it should, no duplicate entries:

  |-- META-INF
  |-- WEB-INF
  |   |-- beans
  |   |-- classes
  |   |   `-- test.properties
  |   |-- defs
  |   |-- flows
  |   |-- jsps
  |   `-- web.xml
  |-- css
  `-- index.jsp

It seems, there is something wrong on your side, not mavens. I would suggest that you just copy the project structure to a new directory iteratively, checking when the error starts happening.

By the way, the war plugin definition with the empty configuration in your pom.xml is redundant, the war plugin is executed by default if you specify packaging 'war'.


aidanb5 schrieb:
Hi, I'm trying to build a simple war using maven 2 the structure follows the
standard directory layout:

sja/src/main/resources contains a property file
sja/src/main/webapp contains the webapp and has the following subdirs


my pom is as follows:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";

        <name>SJA war</name>



base project just contains the pointer to a maven proxy repository - no
actual application configuration.

when i run the build (mvn clean package) I get a war file but within the
WEB-INF/classes directory is another nested copy of the entire war so in
effect i end with with:

sjawar-1.0.war/web-inf/classes/sjawar-1.0/web-inf   etc

Could someone please help me with this as I'm totally stuck.


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