The Mojo project at Codehaus uses webdav for site deployment. Perhaps you can pick up a clue or two by looking at their parent POM:

The users of that parent doesn't have to configure anything related to site deployment.

The configuration that I have in my settings.xml for that server looks like the one you have shown below.

rossputin wrote:

I have since successfully deployed the site with scp, so the problem is
definitely with webdav, or my configuration of it.

My parent pom.xml contains a 'distributionManagement' element as below:


My settings.xml has an entry as below:


I tried also adding to my build element:


I also tried changing the version of wagon-webdav to 1.0-beta-1.

Thanks for your help,



rossputin wrote:

I am using maven 2.0.9, and everything is working great except for site
deployment with webdav.  I have not tried any other kind of deployment
yet, as I do it manually, so it may not be just site deployment that is
not working for me.  I have an apache webdav setup in place, and can
access it in a browser or in Cadaver via command line.  When I execute my
maven site:deploy command, I always get a '500 Internal Server Error' with
wagon-webdav 1.0-beta-2, and with wagon-webdav 1.0-beta-1 nothing much
seems to happen, the process executes successfully, but nothing is copied

Has anyone successfully deployed with any recent version of maven over
webdav?  One of the books I have on it suggests using it.  I have not seen
much on the mailing list though.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Dennis Lundberg

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