Why are you trying to build Maven 2.1-SNAPSHOT? The code is not
particularly "stable" which is why you are running into these
problems. The expectation is that people who are working on 2.1
(currently) are developers and able to handle these kinds of problems.

The "root" cause of this failure is in the lines below. As to how you
should solve this problem to allow you to continue building 2.1, I
couldn't tell you.


On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 4:55 AM, SelvaKumar
>     [java] task-segment: [clean, install]. Reason: Failed to load plugin
> descri
> ptor for:
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.0-beta-2:proc
> ess. Cannot discover it's default phase, specified in its plugin descriptor.
>     [java]
>     [java] While building project with id:
> org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.1-SNAPSHOT

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