
Peter Horlock schrieb:
Hi Rémy, thanks for your reply. I also tried mvn package -Pmyflag, but this
did't work out either - btw -p SPACE FLAG is what is said on the maven docu
http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-profiles.html :

mvn groupId:artifactId:goal -P profile-1,profile-2

However, the new Maven - The definitive Guide - Pdf book says -PMYFLAG.

Next, as you suggested, I tried it directly without a profile, and it
neither worked :-(
I am not even sure if what I am trying is supposed to be working - I
am trying to exclude certain classes or package - not simple
exluding a certain src folder, like "include "src/java" but exclude
"src/java2" or so - I am trying to do in on a package or class basis -





I suppose the exclude paths are wrong - but how should I define them?

The jar-plugin works on the compiled output in target/classes, so ecluding *.java files can't work. I just tried with a simple test project:

  |-- pom.xml
  `-- src
      `-- main
          `-- java
              |-- pkg1
              |   |-- Class1.java
              |   `-- Class2.java
              `-- pkg2
                  |-- Class1.java
                  `-- Class2.java

and this plugin configuration in the pom:


After 'mvn package' the resulting jar contained just pkg1/Class2.class, just as expected.

Thanks in advance,


Hope this helps

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