Problem solved!

Even though the 'deploymentDescriptorFile' attribute is described as one
which can be optionally set, this is not the case. It needs to be explicitly


On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 12:39 AM, Andrew Madu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> could someone oblige me and test the following plugin, in a bog standard
> maven app project, with the build command 'mvn jboss-packages:spring' and
> tell me whether the plugin breaks or not? (a jboss-spring.xml file needs to
> be placed in src/main/resources/META-INF):
> [code]
>   <build>
>         <plugins>
>             <plugin>
>                     <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>                     <artifactId>jboss-packaging-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>                     <configuration>
>                             <archiveName>myCompany</archiveName>
>                     </configuration>
>                     <extensions>true</extensions>
>                     <executions>
>                             <execution>
>                                     <goals>
>                                             <goal>jboss-spring</goal>
>                                     </goals>
>                             </execution>
>                     </executions>
>             </plugin>
>         </plugins>
>     </build>
> [/code]
> I keep getting an 'Error assembling archive...Embeded error: Could not find
> descriptor files: jboss-spring.xml' message when running the build command.
> My development platform:
> Eclipse SDK Version: 3.3.2
> JDK1.6.0_06
> Springframework 2.5.5
> Maven Version 2.0.9
> Many thanks in advance.
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 3:17 PM, Andrew Madu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I ma receiving the following error message when I call 'mvn
>> jboss-packaging:spring':
>> [code]
>> Embedded error: Could not find descriptor files: jboss-spring.xml
>> [/code]
>> The file, jboss-spring.xml, exists in src/main/resources/META-INF/. What
>> am I missing here?
>> My development platform:
>> Eclipse SDK Version: 3.3.2
>> JDK1.6.0_06
>> Springframework 2.5.5
>> Maven Version 2.0.9
>> the plugin in question is jboss-packaging-maven-plugin (2.0-beta-1).
>> Many thanks in advance.
>> --
>> Regards
>> Andrew

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