Am Tue, 17 Jun 2008 03:39:19 -0700 (PDT)
schrieb Papapara Tudu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The test application context in the dependency is located in the
> /src/test/resources folder in its project
> (in the project I'm writing the tests for, my app context is in
> /src/test/resources also).

I see... Used to do this only while having the context configuration
somewhere in src/main/resources. 

> The actual error I'm getting when I use the
> <import resource="classpath:DependencyTestContext.xml" /> line is:
> org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException:
> Configuration problem: Failed to import bean definitions from URL
> location [classpath:DependencyTestContext.xml]

Off-hands I am not sure whether the _test_ classpath of an artifact the
project depends upon is available to that project. Looking at how
things work for test classes (src/test/java , which aren't part of the
deployed artifact), I'd take a guess that this might be your problem...
This would explain this behaviour as, this way, things below src/test
won't be available to you when depending upon the (binary) artifact (in
your repository). Don't really know how to get along this, anyhow.
Anyone else? :)


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